

Leader:  Hades

Co-Leader: Godzilla Ham, Iceyfeet

3IC: Juleua, Monkey Ap, Crypto4631

——————owner line

Grand General: Guitar48300, Aaronstone42

Head General: Pendy pengui, Tangy128

Major General: Redwingnum14, Hiro 2

General: kennedy50472, Basloo1

—————mod line







16 Responses

  1. thxs for adding me!!

  2. no prob, and thanks for doing the oath also

  3. np!

  4. What happened to everyone?

  5. ok

  6. wanna merge into the GPA? We have at least 20 active troops……..comment your answer on the site

  7. We are growing just as quickly! I promise amazing ranks to all of ur active troops!

  8. Plus I do not want to be called the rock star army. I have settled my army and are not merging into anyone soon………..please consider this offer we could dominate!

  9. fine no merge………………..but wanna be brotherhood armies like what the rpf did? Everyne in your army joins mine and everyone in my army joins yours but we remain seperate armies.

  10. come on y did u put me there i should be a owner and u did u take me off of being a admin

  11. that wuz when Crystal Army merged into RSA and u became leader
    but CA isnt merging so ur not owner rank or admin.
    -Foo Fighter

  12. a was a Ambassador and at least make me Ambassador or Grand General i mean i am the 3rd person to join the NEW RSA

  13. 1.Penguin name?Panthers Bas
    2. Any other armies u r in
    CPL, GW, Romans, RPF, BP, More
    3. If yes, what ranks
    CPL-Leader,GW-Leader, Romans-3ic RPF, ex 4ic, BP-Panther
    4. Member or non member-Non member gonna be member soon
    5. Will u stay loyal to RSA

  14. can you put me back on the ranks sorry i was inactive my comp broke 😦

  15. would you like to merge into my army?\

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